5 rounds of sparring… God I’ve missed training!

Tonight was AWESOME!! I have been down to the gym twice this week and we are only on Tuesday. I went yesterday hoping to do a Thai session but didn’t realise as I was out of swing that it didn’t start until 8pm so managed to get some S&C in. It was a good session,Continue reading “5 rounds of sparring… God I’ve missed training!”

New feel to the YOKKAO site

Hey!! There has been a recent re-vamp of the YOKKAO site to give it a more simpler more aesthetically pleasing feel and look. I think it is awesome! It has been a little while since I have posted with them but am now back in the game after they have took a holiday and letContinue reading “New feel to the YOKKAO site”

“Muay Thai – the martial art we all know and love”

So I posted my first ‘blog’ style post on the YOKKAO site. It is a good one. I quite enjoyed writing it. I have a couple of good ideas that are slowly beginning to creep into my mind so I am working on just getting my workload done for now. I don’t want to setContinue reading ““Muay Thai – the martial art we all know and love””

Good session yesterday and interclub this weekend. 

Had a good old session in the gym yesterday. It’s strange now, with me having a wee man to think about and taking all my time I am struggling to get down to the gym now but he is totally worth it! Here is a shot of him having his guard up! It was goodContinue reading “Good session yesterday and interclub this weekend. “

An update on what is happening

 Okay, so my spot with the YOKKAO team has been confirmed! How frickin’ awesome is that!?! I am going to be writing for one of the worlds most prestigious Muay Thai brands out there at the moment. I feel totally blessed to be able to have the opportunity to do this, so I am goingContinue reading “An update on what is happening”

Training and Progression

So it’s been a while since I wrote an actual blog post on here. I am trying to figure out how to migrate my posts to where I want them to be. But that might never happen because we all know how fiddly WordPress can have a tendency to be.  Things are good at theContinue reading “Training and Progression”

Sparring and strength

Last night at training… To say that I got beasted would be a massive understatement. I felt really good in the gym, surprisingly because I was only there twice last week and before that I had a couple of weeks off. I am in the process of writing all the content for the new siteContinue reading “Sparring and strength”

I’ve hit one year training!!

So I looked on my Facebook memories app today and it showed me something I knew was coming up. My one year anniversary since my first ever Muay Thai session. What an awesome year it has been!! It’s crazy how much I have come on as a person since first stepping into Northern Kings!! CreditContinue reading “I’ve hit one year training!!”

This is a really quick post

Hey! Like the title says, this is going to be a really quick post. I am in the process of building something else to run alongside MTBUK, something that is able to hit a broader range of audience. It is going to have a different feel to it, rather than it being just me documentingContinue reading “This is a really quick post”